The combination of No. 15 & 16 is wicked - A sneaky way to use your very limited but crucial resource against yourself.

Have You Encountered One of These Before?

Your "very kind" boss promises you the next best job title and $437 more every month. In exchange you take on more tasks and work 2 hours more each day.

Or your family member starts a tantrum about "I always do the dishes" for the 3rd time this week. It happens so often that it starts to feel like a family tradition.

And you just know winning the discussion zaps more of your energy than using your hands.

Or you recently broke up and your new ex overshares on social media to "win" the break-up. Oversharing is a petty attempt to get the attention they crave from you.

What I shared are 3 super effective methods manipulators will use on you.

To be honest, you can think of yourself as lucky if you only encounter the methods above…

Knowing is half the battle before the manipulation gets out of hand and steers towards physical or worse psychological abuse.

And in most cases you won’t see the manipulator coming until your connection to them already harms you.

It’s a slow, insidious (sometimes perceived as pleasant but harmful) process.

Almost all manipulators start with gathering information about the target before actively spinning their web of manipulation around you.

You have been manipulated in the past if:

Someone asked you few questions and made you share way deeper (maybe even personal) information than usual.

Asking a seemingly normal question made the other party angry for no reason whatsoever.

Your ex tried to make you regret the breakup.

Dentes Leo (Ex- Political Advisor, Professional Lobbyist and Strategist) and E-go Driven (91 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ confidence and self-sufficiency coach) put together Mental Warfare Strategies (16 audio tapes in total) covering the most powerful but overlooked strategies of master manipulators.

These potent strategies will be covered in depth so you can protect yourself and spot almost any manipulator from miles away.

In these 16 Tapes you will find powerful Mental Warfare Strategies like:

Click Below, put on your headphones and Listen to the 16 potent strategies of mental warfare - Unmask the world of manipulation and protect yourself NOW

Click Below, put on your headphones and Listen to the 16 potent strategies of mental warfare - Unmask the world of manipulation and protect yourself NOW

Click Below, put on your headphones and Listen to the 16 potent strategies of mental warfare - Unmask the world of manipulation and protect yourself NOW